The Safety of Amalgam Fillings

On a segment of The Doctors TV show, an investigation of the safety of amalgam fillings was conducted. While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announces that the fillings are not associated with adverse health effects, an interview was done with one woman who believes that these fillings contributed to her multiple sclerosis. See below:

See the recent video here: The Doctors TV show - Are mercury fillings safe?

Follow-up video:

According to the ADA: 
Should your patients ask you about amalgam fillings, consider the following points:
  •  Amalgam has been used for generations to help save decayed teeth in more than 100 million Americans.
  •  Amalgam has been thoroughly studied, and no properly designed research studies have linked dental amalgam to serious health problems.
  •  (If appropriate) I have amalgam fillings in my mouth. 
  • An amalgam filling is just one of a variety of dental filling options available to you. Let's talk about what's best for you.
 Source: ADA, The Doctors
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